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An Affair!™

Scuba Travel Massachusetts

Scuba Diving courses
in Massachusetts!

Scuba Travel Massachusetts

Our flexible open enrollment schedule accommodates your availability. We understand students have different schedules and we will do our best to work with your schedule! If you are a beginner and wish to take part in scuba diving classes, or looking forward to continuing your education, we will provide you with the proper scuba training.

About our Scuba programs

Scuba Travel Massachusetts

Our mission is to help every scuba diver achieve their goals while developing safe water habits for scuba diving. Safety is our number one priority. Which is why we value our small class approach!

Benefits of Our Instruction

Scuba Travel Massachusetts

A great way to explore, nurture and teach your children about our world. We offer youth PADI scuba diving courses! Starting as early as 10 for a full JR Open Water Certification, so you can dive as a family!


Make it a family affair!

Scuba Diving in Massachusetts  with DiVE KS

rolling enrollment
for all scuba diving courses

Scuba Diving with Massachusetts Dive Center DiVE KS

"If you seek adventure, challenge, peace or serenity, you have chosen the right place! Adopting a few skills, you will be gliding like an astronaut. How ironic, it's our space away from space. You step in, you take a breath, and your life changes forever." -KS


Interested in Scuba travel?

Explore Where our students have traveled as divers:

Scuba Diving in Massachusetts

" I cannot say enough positive things about DiVE KS- if you are considering diving in the northeast (or even looking for a group to travel with at times), these are your people! If you want a very small group size, commitment to the highest quality and safety in your experience and education, and a super friendly and personable experience then look no further. Thank you so much!! "

— Amanda G.

Scuba Diving in Massachusetts

" We had the best experience with Kirk and DIVE KS getting our 13 year old PADI certified. Kirk is meticulous, takes extra care to ensure his students are fully knowledgeable and is a top notch professional. The team was flexible with our schedule, generous with their time, patient, and just great people. We will definitely be back. Couldn’t have asked for a better, more professional experience and our son is very well prepared to dive as an official PADI OW diver!

— Keri B

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